- Ty is finishing up the regular season of basketball. They FINALLY won their first game last week (SO exciting! Ty got 2 baskets, and did great all game.) We are looking forward to today's game. He has finished reading his newest book for his book report (Old Mother West Wind) which filled my heart with joy. Why? Well it is written by my great great grandfather, Thornton W. Burgess. There's a lot of links in there (well three.) His project for this book report is to have one character write a letter to another character and put it in a bottle. A message in a bottle book report is what it is called. He is really excited about this report, and I know it makes him so proud to have such strong family ties to the author.
- Nate has been LOVING his school's theme this week, Dinosaurs. For week now Nate has decided he will be a paleontologist. He is definitely my little scientist. In school they made volcanoes and got to bring them home. We have been making that thing explode every day since. I will upload a video in the near future of this fun, messy experience. Nate has really surprised us with his skills in building models and constructing the most detailed, cool structures. I get to sign him up for kindergarten in a couple of weeks. Words can not describe what an amazing feeling it is for this moment to come, when when he was first born and we didn't know if he would ever get the chance. Each one of these milestones with Nate is extremely emotional for us, that we do not take for granted.
- Brody is recovering from yet another double ear infection and goes in this week to meet with an ENT. It breaks my heart to hear him tell me his ears hurt every day. I will be so happy when this phase of his life is over (the bad ear phase) and he is no longer in constant pain. We went out to eat Friday night (this is blog worthy because we not only never order food in, but I can count on one hand the times we have gone out to eat in the past 5 years. I'm not being dramatic, we just don't do it. Times are tough people!) Brody was so excited. In fact he told everyone we saw yesterday "eat out dada mama" which translates into dada and mama took me out to eat. He was so well behaved (they all were) and so grateful. He said "welcome" (he can't say thank you) to everyone (us, the servers, food runners, etc) and it made me feel like I was doing something right!
- Keira is fully recovered (knock on wood) from our new year's fiasco. She is back to eating real food again, and I am trying to give her, within reason, everything we are eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner. She is standing on her own, and walking (assisted with a finger or two to hold on to.) She can say "uh oh" (my personal favorite), baby (ba-bah), dada, mama, doggie (daga), hi (ha), she blows kisses, waves hi and bye, and tells us she's hungry by signing, tells us she wants more of something by signing more, and tells us she's all done by signing done. I can not believe she will be one so soon. Man oh man where has the time gone so quickly?
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Current Happenings
I realize it's been a while since I have just done some old fashioned updating, so here we go! (In birth order)
Friday, January 29, 2010
All You Need Is Love
Thank you Beetles and Mastercard, because this song is permanently stuck on my mouth and brain. Although I will say it is fitting for this post.
Yesterday while the older boys were in school, Brody, Keira and I headed to Playtown Express.
We met two very dear friends and their children there. I got to meet the newest addition to one friend's family (who is handsome and gorgeous and just perfect), and she also has a son around Brody's age (who is again, handsome and gorgeous and just perfect, oh and boy can he dance!) Brody, although a bit overwhelmed at first, really loved playing here. My other friend is a former roomie from college and the owner of Abigail's Bake Shop.
Although we don't live super close, we try to meet and catch up frequently, and I have come to really look forward to those times. There is nothing like spending time with an old friend and picking up right where you left off. There is a comfort level that has already been built over the years and that is something that is very difficult to obtain with just anyone. It has been so fun to see each others children grow and change. Sadly (for me) Sarah and her family are moving (but we are wishing you the all the happiness in the world!) I will miss our lunches so much!!!
I came home to finish up some cleaning, and Nathan picked up the boys in the evening to run some errands. I again got to visit with my best friends. I brought Keira to her first playdate with Mr Kai. Although they have been around each other a lot, they have surprisingly never just hung out and played. They. Were. So. Cute. I would now like to take this opportunity to thank my friends for producing a ridiculous crop of boys. I mean maybe I am biased, but I think they are some of the most handsome boys I have ever seen. Keira is one lucky girl!
The other part of our trio (the Summer Sisters we call ourselves, myself, Victoria and Kerrie) joined us, and again, it just feels like home. That comfort that is so tangible you want to curl up in it and stay. It was such a great day, and I truly believe spending time with close friends is sometimes all you need to regroup, refocus, and feel refreshed. It is REmarkable. (I had to stick with the re theme.)
Thank you Andrea, Sarah, Victoria and Kerrie for making yesterday so enjoyable.
Yesterday while the older boys were in school, Brody, Keira and I headed to Playtown Express.
We met two very dear friends and their children there. I got to meet the newest addition to one friend's family (who is handsome and gorgeous and just perfect), and she also has a son around Brody's age (who is again, handsome and gorgeous and just perfect, oh and boy can he dance!) Brody, although a bit overwhelmed at first, really loved playing here. My other friend is a former roomie from college and the owner of Abigail's Bake Shop.
Although we don't live super close, we try to meet and catch up frequently, and I have come to really look forward to those times. There is nothing like spending time with an old friend and picking up right where you left off. There is a comfort level that has already been built over the years and that is something that is very difficult to obtain with just anyone. It has been so fun to see each others children grow and change. Sadly (for me) Sarah and her family are moving (but we are wishing you the all the happiness in the world!) I will miss our lunches so much!!!
I came home to finish up some cleaning, and Nathan picked up the boys in the evening to run some errands. I again got to visit with my best friends. I brought Keira to her first playdate with Mr Kai. Although they have been around each other a lot, they have surprisingly never just hung out and played. They. Were. So. Cute. I would now like to take this opportunity to thank my friends for producing a ridiculous crop of boys. I mean maybe I am biased, but I think they are some of the most handsome boys I have ever seen. Keira is one lucky girl!
The other part of our trio (the Summer Sisters we call ourselves, myself, Victoria and Kerrie) joined us, and again, it just feels like home. That comfort that is so tangible you want to curl up in it and stay. It was such a great day, and I truly believe spending time with close friends is sometimes all you need to regroup, refocus, and feel refreshed. It is REmarkable. (I had to stick with the re theme.)
Thank you Andrea, Sarah, Victoria and Kerrie for making yesterday so enjoyable.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Excitement in the Clan
As most of you know, I was a born actress. Eat, sleep, cry, bleed, live acting. Since my professional career (despite a brief week of excitement) is on a foreseeable hiatus, I naturally find that the environment if confidence boosting and fun for my children. This does not mean I force them into this business. In fact, I feel it's the opposite. I expose them to something interesting and if they don't like it, cool we're done. It was fun while it lasted. I did work while pregnant with Ty, and went on a few audition with him when he was younger. Nate has done work for Hasbro (Helmet Heroes toy to be exact) and Brody was signed to an agency in Boston at 6 months old and has gone on more calls than I can begin to count. Now before you whip out the judging thoughts, here is my stand point. If they're not into it, we're out. I have left auditions before because Brody was just not in the mood. Oh well, it happens, I'm not forcing him to do anything he doesn't want to do. My other (and main reason) is future, future, future. College is only getting more expensive every year, and if I can give my kids a leg up, and a decent savings account to start out with, well by golly I'll do it. I'm not forcing them into child labor or anything. They go somewhere, play with a cool toy that's not out yet, have people fuss over them and do everything in their power to get them to smile and laugh (I could write a whole post about baby wranglers alone) and it is a very pleasant experience. With that said, I have debated doing this with Keira for a long time, since I knew I was pregnant really.
Why, when I have just explained how great I think it is did I question it? Well, it is time consuming. A lot of auditions you only have a couple of days notice. There have been times we have been called the night before. There can be traveling, and you are not guaranteed a job.
My decision finally came after updating Brody's pictures last week. I figure if I am going to be making the casting call rounds with him, and Keira will be in tow anyway, why not get her involved as well. The only change I made, was signing her to a different agency. This has nothing to do with Brody's agency. I love them, and have had nothing but good experiences with them. The agency I signed Keira to does a bit more film and commercial work, rather than a print based clientele. They also do some international work.
After over a year of debate, I am so happy with my decision. Keira has an appointment for pictures this weekend. Once those are in, it is a waiting game. I hope you join me in wishing her well on this new adventure.
Why, when I have just explained how great I think it is did I question it? Well, it is time consuming. A lot of auditions you only have a couple of days notice. There have been times we have been called the night before. There can be traveling, and you are not guaranteed a job.
My decision finally came after updating Brody's pictures last week. I figure if I am going to be making the casting call rounds with him, and Keira will be in tow anyway, why not get her involved as well. The only change I made, was signing her to a different agency. This has nothing to do with Brody's agency. I love them, and have had nothing but good experiences with them. The agency I signed Keira to does a bit more film and commercial work, rather than a print based clientele. They also do some international work.
After over a year of debate, I am so happy with my decision. Keira has an appointment for pictures this weekend. Once those are in, it is a waiting game. I hope you join me in wishing her well on this new adventure.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Spring oh Spring
Winter blues have set in. Cabin fever have taken over. HELP! Spring, I need you. I need my yard to not be soaked in slush, or iced over. I long for green grass and light jackets and sweatshirts. My mud room has been taken over by gloves and mittens and hats and boots and snowsuits and I look at the bin they belong in and curse it, and think about just putting it all down in the basement until next time.
I spend free time looking up kid friendly hiking trails (something I am vowing to take up this year, so hold me to it.) I question my Eastern roots this year in a way I never have before. Why is this winter so darn difficult to get through? Is it because we were robbed of our summer with two months plus of rain? I'm thinking that is the answer.
To stay sane, I am wondering, what are some things you and your family do to beat these winter blues? I am especially interested in low cost/no cost ideas. Museums and play areas are fun, but you can only do them so many times. Let me hear the creative, interesting stuff!
I spend free time looking up kid friendly hiking trails (something I am vowing to take up this year, so hold me to it.) I question my Eastern roots this year in a way I never have before. Why is this winter so darn difficult to get through? Is it because we were robbed of our summer with two months plus of rain? I'm thinking that is the answer.
To stay sane, I am wondering, what are some things you and your family do to beat these winter blues? I am especially interested in low cost/no cost ideas. Museums and play areas are fun, but you can only do them so many times. Let me hear the creative, interesting stuff!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Midnight Madness
Keira had a case of insomnia last night. It is so hard to be mad when she is just so cute!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Yesterday Keira was emotionally scarred for life. Since the acquisition of her first two bottom teeth (which have just really started to be visible) she has not bitten me, or anyone else.I thought this was because of her superior intelligence, but alas, yesterday afternoon she decided to give it a try while nursing, and I let out a big "OOOOWWWWWW", which made her bite down harder, which made me scream a bit more. She then stopped, sat up, stared at me and locked eyes with me for one brief second. That one second was where she used her jedi mind powers to tell me "This is the moment you ruined my life." Her eyes got as wide as possible, her bottom lip curled in a largest pout you have ever seen, and then the water works came. The girl let out the "waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh" of the century. It took me A FULL THIRTY minutes to calm her down and convince her I was no longer possessed by the devil. She spent this thirty minutes with her head buried in my neck, refusing to look at me. Good God in Heaven, I am in for it.
Fast forward to seven-ish last night. Ty and Nate are occupied playing against each other in their life sucking Nintendo DS in their 37th "just one more game", and Nathan and I are enjoying playing with Keira and Brody on the couch. I should premise this by saying Keira is obsessed with pointing. This is a newer trick of hers, so she enjoys doing it 24/7. Brody, being the good, funny big brother he is, was pointing too, only in his game, he'd slowly raise his pointed finger and poke Nathan in the nose and say "beep!" (because in our house noses always are for honking, beep beep. Well that and eating," Keira thought this was funny, so she decided to beep her daddy's nose. She was thrilled with this new game. Then her father decided to switch up the rules, and when it was Brody's turn Nathan pretended to swat his finger away and get Brody's nose instead. Brody thought this was even better than the first game, and his belly laughs made Keira release her own belly laughs. Naturally Keira wanted to play, but the minute Nathan pretended to swat her finger away and playfully said "What are you doing", well readers, those eyes got wide, the bottom lip came out, she stared at him, locked eyes with him long enough to confirm the devil had now entered his body and tell him she would never be the same again, and then the waterworks came. Her head once again found it's spot buried into me, only before looking at me to make sure I wasn't evil. Despite Lucifer's attempts to apologize, Keira held strong to her convictions and dug her tiny hands into me, because of course her life was at great risk. How long? Almost an hour this time. Boy oh boy did her devil dad feel every second of that time.
Fast forward to seven-ish last night. Ty and Nate are occupied playing against each other in their life sucking Nintendo DS in their 37th "just one more game", and Nathan and I are enjoying playing with Keira and Brody on the couch. I should premise this by saying Keira is obsessed with pointing. This is a newer trick of hers, so she enjoys doing it 24/7. Brody, being the good, funny big brother he is, was pointing too, only in his game, he'd slowly raise his pointed finger and poke Nathan in the nose and say "beep!" (because in our house noses always are for honking, beep beep. Well that and eating," Keira thought this was funny, so she decided to beep her daddy's nose. She was thrilled with this new game. Then her father decided to switch up the rules, and when it was Brody's turn Nathan pretended to swat his finger away and get Brody's nose instead. Brody thought this was even better than the first game, and his belly laughs made Keira release her own belly laughs. Naturally Keira wanted to play, but the minute Nathan pretended to swat her finger away and playfully said "What are you doing", well readers, those eyes got wide, the bottom lip came out, she stared at him, locked eyes with him long enough to confirm the devil had now entered his body and tell him she would never be the same again, and then the waterworks came. Her head once again found it's spot buried into me, only before looking at me to make sure I wasn't evil. Despite Lucifer's attempts to apologize, Keira held strong to her convictions and dug her tiny hands into me, because of course her life was at great risk. How long? Almost an hour this time. Boy oh boy did her devil dad feel every second of that time.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
C is for Cookie
Readers, meet the cookie that almost burned my house down. While cooking a tuna casserole a few nights ago, I was shocked to see the bottom of my oven suddenly burst into flames. Turns out Brody didn't think this cookie was quite done cooking, so sometime throughout the day he shoved it way down into the crack at the bottom of the oven. A bowl of water and lots of smoke later, I saw the culprit, and got it out.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Ah hem, Your Attention Please
Internet, at 2:30pm EST WE HAD POOP!!! Keira FINALLY, after two weeks of torture, had NORMAL poop! (I restrained myself from taking a picture and showing it to you all, be happy.) Who's throwing a party? This girl deserves presents!
Streaming Thoughts
I am all for keeping a clean house. In fact, there are a few things that I won't budge on and need to make sure get done on a daily basis. It is such a shame though, when more important things are pushed aside for the pursuit of the perfect house. This morning I was smack in the middle of cleaning every surface of my house when my dear little Brody continued to tug at me and play silly games. I didn't ignore him, and played back, but only while continuing my cleaning process. It was at that moment that I decided that the cleaning could wait. That moment, the one that I will never again have back with Brody, when all he wanted to do was play with his mama, that was something I couldn't pass up. Parents, there are so many expectations that I think we put on each other. Don't tell me you're not judgmental when you go to someone else's house, we all do it. It's not just keeping up with your house, it extends to making sure we look as close to perfect as possible, when we're not and never will be. I guess all I am saying here is, that load of laundry can wait. The world will not come to an end if the dishwasher isn't unloaded right away. Your children will not blame all of their adult psychological issues on you if you didn't give them only organic, homemade foods. What is important, what actually matters is if you dropped everything to read your child's favorite book for the 4,987th time, or waited to clean the floors later so that game of peek a boo could last longer. We don't get this time back. Perfection is overrated. I'll scribble outside the lines with my kids, thank you very much.
The people of Haiti, and their family and loved ones are in my thoughts and prayers. I am relinking this page with six ways you can help.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Knock on Wood
Ok internet, as soon as you read this email you are required to knock on wood so we won't be jinxed here. WE HAD A GOOD NIGHT. (Despite a 3:45am wake up call of Brody puking in our bed, and requiring a bath... the up chucking is due to bad coughing fits, we think, and as I write this I am thinking to myself, my idea of a good night is very warped.) Keira has not had diarrhea since yesterday after noon. Yes, I am now one of those moms that talks about her children's poop. Check out my last few posts. Poop, poop and more poop. In fact if you put 20 different dirty, poop filled diapers in front of me, I don't think I'd even cringe. I think I could pick my kid's poop out of the line up in 3.7 seconds. Yes, I am THAT in tune with their poop. Smells, textures, colors, I know it all, and I am not afraid to admit it!
Back to Keira's lack of poop, well we figure that is a HUGE start. Our new motto is not having diarrhea is better than having it at all! However this has so far meant nothing, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that her little body is again binding itself and soon my posts will read, "Internet, we have normal poop!" and then we can all celebrate together. Let's spread the joy around, think of it as a conversation piece... "Did you hear Keira finally had normal poop?"
Keira had her nine month check up today, and we of course followed up on the bastard RSV. Her lungs sounded clear, with just residual upper respiratory junk lingering. Hallelujah!
She measured in at 27 1/.2" (No she did not grow an inch since the hospital... or maybe she did, but we're guessing they just measured wrong.) This was right at the 50th percentile. She weighed in at a whopping (not really) 16lbs 3 oz. (Hanging between the 5th and 10th percentiles.)
Here is the part where I sound pathetic, when my dear friend Dr Hoder told me I had to make her next appointment, I got upset because I realized that not only was this appointment her 12 month aka ONE YEAR appointment, but that it was only THREE months away. Hello?! Readers, WHY did no one prepare me for this? After her appointment I promptly called my mother and whined about this horrifying realization.
In other news I began the process of coloring my hair today. I was reminded by Auntie Kuckie (Kerrie's new name via Brody) that August was the last time I have done anything to my hair. If I admitted the last time I got a pedicure (before Keira was born) never mind a manicure (we're talking years) I'd be really giving you a good vision of where I stand looks wise.
Oh Internet, I must cut this short... we have poop (but I don't think it's the kind to make headlines just yet...
Back to Keira's lack of poop, well we figure that is a HUGE start. Our new motto is not having diarrhea is better than having it at all! However this has so far meant nothing, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that her little body is again binding itself and soon my posts will read, "Internet, we have normal poop!" and then we can all celebrate together. Let's spread the joy around, think of it as a conversation piece... "Did you hear Keira finally had normal poop?"
Keira had her nine month check up today, and we of course followed up on the bastard RSV. Her lungs sounded clear, with just residual upper respiratory junk lingering. Hallelujah!
She measured in at 27 1/.2" (No she did not grow an inch since the hospital... or maybe she did, but we're guessing they just measured wrong.) This was right at the 50th percentile. She weighed in at a whopping (not really) 16lbs 3 oz. (Hanging between the 5th and 10th percentiles.)
Here is the part where I sound pathetic, when my dear friend Dr Hoder told me I had to make her next appointment, I got upset because I realized that not only was this appointment her 12 month aka ONE YEAR appointment, but that it was only THREE months away. Hello?! Readers, WHY did no one prepare me for this? After her appointment I promptly called my mother and whined about this horrifying realization.
In other news I began the process of coloring my hair today. I was reminded by Auntie Kuckie (Kerrie's new name via Brody) that August was the last time I have done anything to my hair. If I admitted the last time I got a pedicure (before Keira was born) never mind a manicure (we're talking years) I'd be really giving you a good vision of where I stand looks wise.
Oh Internet, I must cut this short... we have poop (but I don't think it's the kind to make headlines just yet...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Who Needs a Vacation?
Keira's stool sample results came back today. She was positive for Clostridium Difficile Toxin A and B. Since Keira was not on antibiotics, which is usually the cause of this, it is the doctor's belief that she picked this up in the hospital, which is where unfortunately these kinds of bacteria are thriving. This is also most likely the cause of the horrible stomach cramping and pain and running to the bathroom that the boys have been going through the past few days. The bacteria is again, highly contagious.
How are we holding up? As I spoke to the nurse this morning as was going down the list child by child, I started laughing, because really what else can I do? It's not funny that my children are so sick, but it just seems so ridiculous, this string of bad luck I mean, that I feel like laughing about the event of it all is the only way to push through.
Although I will say one of the nurses who I again just had to repeat all the childrens symptoms to did not sound very happy when I laughed on the phone telling her everything. She must think I am crazy. I am now going to look out my window for the men in the clean white coats who are coming to take me away ha ha.. coming to take me away ho ho hee hee ha ha, to the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time...
How are we holding up? As I spoke to the nurse this morning as was going down the list child by child, I started laughing, because really what else can I do? It's not funny that my children are so sick, but it just seems so ridiculous, this string of bad luck I mean, that I feel like laughing about the event of it all is the only way to push through.
Although I will say one of the nurses who I again just had to repeat all the childrens symptoms to did not sound very happy when I laughed on the phone telling her everything. She must think I am crazy. I am now going to look out my window for the men in the clean white coats who are coming to take me away ha ha.. coming to take me away ho ho hee hee ha ha, to the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time...
Sunday, January 10, 2010
A Case of the Crazies
Hi. My name is Nicole and I am officially going a little crazy. I think this means that I can not be held accountable for my actions or words until I can be clinically diagnosed as sane once again. (See, this means this is a judgment free zone now.) Keira has still been throwing up, so she was back at the doctor's office today. She lost the weight she had regained since the hospital and is down to 16lbs 3 oz. The doc said we should expect her to lose more weight as long as this continues. On the bright side of things, separation anxiety seems to have left the building, and Keira is a pro and getting poked and prodded and bats her eyelashes at the nurses and doctors and waves hi and bye to them. She is really just such a sweet baby girl.
The pukey bug has gone through Brody, and tonight it struck Nate. Looking on the bright side of things (this is where I start to sound crazy) I am seeing this as one more anti body we all will have, and one less illness to potentially derail us this lovely year of 2010.
In other news the one lone non sickie (Nathan) suddenly had horrible pain in his ear, and went to the doc's and turns out he has a middle ear infection. Looks like no one is immune to this.
Ty is doing much better though... on the bright side.
That is as much of a depressing update as I can give (even with the bright side) so I'll switch gears a bit. I am a diet coke addict. Last week, right before New Years, it just so happened that I didn't have any soda for a day or two, then being in the hospital with Keira, again no soda. I have wanted to quit for a while, so I saw this as my opportunity, and low and behold I feel so much better without aspartame in my life. No more highs and lows (energy wise) and my body just feels better. After the lack of sleep going on, you'd think I'd be crashing constantly, but without soda, my body seems to regulate itself and I am actually okay. For those of you who don't know, I am not a coffee drinker, so I am caffeine free as well. Add to the mix that I can not have any dairy products (due to Keira being sick) and well by golly if I don't start dropping weight really fast without soda and cheese in my life, then something is wrong.
On the no cheese subject, I had plans to make pizzas with the kids for dinner last night, but when I realized pizza obviously contains cheese, I was a bit discouraged. I made it work though. I created this wheat pizza with fire roasted tomatoes (instead of sauce), mushrooms, and red and green peppers. I drizzled some olive oil over the top, and when I ate it, I put a touch of hot sauce on it. It was HEAVEN. All I could think when I was eating it though was that my child self would be appalled by my adult self enjoying this. I am however in desperate need of some new recipes (remember dairy free as much as possible... a splash of milk is okay) so please, share with me!
Also, as you can see, I have changed things up a bit on here... I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks for bearing with me during this hellish start to the new year, and my loss of sanity.
The pukey bug has gone through Brody, and tonight it struck Nate. Looking on the bright side of things (this is where I start to sound crazy) I am seeing this as one more anti body we all will have, and one less illness to potentially derail us this lovely year of 2010.
In other news the one lone non sickie (Nathan) suddenly had horrible pain in his ear, and went to the doc's and turns out he has a middle ear infection. Looks like no one is immune to this.
Ty is doing much better though... on the bright side.
That is as much of a depressing update as I can give (even with the bright side) so I'll switch gears a bit. I am a diet coke addict. Last week, right before New Years, it just so happened that I didn't have any soda for a day or two, then being in the hospital with Keira, again no soda. I have wanted to quit for a while, so I saw this as my opportunity, and low and behold I feel so much better without aspartame in my life. No more highs and lows (energy wise) and my body just feels better. After the lack of sleep going on, you'd think I'd be crashing constantly, but without soda, my body seems to regulate itself and I am actually okay. For those of you who don't know, I am not a coffee drinker, so I am caffeine free as well. Add to the mix that I can not have any dairy products (due to Keira being sick) and well by golly if I don't start dropping weight really fast without soda and cheese in my life, then something is wrong.
On the no cheese subject, I had plans to make pizzas with the kids for dinner last night, but when I realized pizza obviously contains cheese, I was a bit discouraged. I made it work though. I created this wheat pizza with fire roasted tomatoes (instead of sauce), mushrooms, and red and green peppers. I drizzled some olive oil over the top, and when I ate it, I put a touch of hot sauce on it. It was HEAVEN. All I could think when I was eating it though was that my child self would be appalled by my adult self enjoying this. I am however in desperate need of some new recipes (remember dairy free as much as possible... a splash of milk is okay) so please, share with me!
Also, as you can see, I have changed things up a bit on here... I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks for bearing with me during this hellish start to the new year, and my loss of sanity.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
And the Fun Continues (In Bulletpoints)
- Preface: Somebody call the Waaahhhhh-mbulence.
- I have become an expert diarrhea in diaper scooper. Moms... c'mon, you know this is a skill.
- We watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs last night, and my mom brought us dinner. That was the most blissful part of my day and night.
- I can barely go a full two minutes without attempting to cough up my ENTIRE lung.
- We went to bed early last night (8pm) to get rest. I was woken up at 10:52pm by Keira projectile vomiting all over my neck, chest, and even a bit of my face. She looked like one of those gags in the movies where a thick steady stream of vomit comes shooting out of the character's mouth for an unnatural amount of time. I actually had time to think that as she continued to recreate an exorcist moment all over me. She promptly whimpered and went back to sleep, I picked up my phone and called Nathan (who is not sick and was downstairs) to please come bring me things to clean up. I was too tired and sick to even shower after that. Go ahead and judge.
- Brody woke up at 4am, climbed out of his crib, and went downstairs. Since the exorcist child had just woken up to refuel for her next showing, I told Nathan to get him.
- Nathan got up and retrieved him, only to have Brody turn to him and projectile vomit on him. Nathan had enough sense to aim him towards the sink as soon as it started coming out though.
- K woke up bright and early, we sat down on the couch to play and she decided that the crusty baby vomit smell was not enough, so she added explosive diarrhea (that somehow shot out of her pants and all over MY pants and the floor) to the mix. I wish I was exaggerating even a little bit here, but I shit you not. Ha, get it... I know, I know, but my sense of humor is all that is getting me through this.
- I have still not showered.
- It is not even 8am.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Virus-Gate 2010
This morning Keira ran a fever again, and had a very difficult morning. After speaking with her doctor, he decided she should be seen again. Her lungs sounded better, still coarse though. His concern was the fever and constant diarrhea she has had since the first. He decided to order stool samples and I am on a strict diet to help her (because I am still breastfeeding.) My question was how do you collect a stool sample from a diaper when it's all liquid (and diapers absorb liquid.) n I have to line her diaper with plastic wrap and I have a handy scooper (I can probably just pour most of it in the vile though.) Gross. I have so much more respect for lab techs who have to deal with all kinds of poop on a daily basis.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Starting 2010 off with a bang!
Happy New Year! It has been an eventful one to say the least, for us. New Years Eve Brody had his follow up hearing test at Children's and although he did far batter than the previous one, he does seem to have some hearing loss in the high frequency range and low frequency range. This really just seems to effect him when things are very soft (low volume) in those ranges, not when they are loud. He will go back when he is three years old to do a more extensive test.
We rang in the new year with lots of board games, a movie, sparkling grape juice (for the kids) and a glass of champagne (for me and Nathan). It was perfect.
New years Day Keira started getting a little cold, and by that night, Brody seemed to follow suit. Over the next day or two they became worse, coughing a lot, and I noticed Keira was doing a whole lot of wheezing. I joked that the poor girl sounded like Kathleen Turner if she were a squeaky toy. Sunday I attempted to take them both to the urgent care center at their doctor's office, but the roads were terrible, and I have a nebulizer at home, and decided to wait until the following day. At 1 am Sunday night/ early Monday morning I woke up because Keira's breathing was very shallow, very strained, and VERY scary. I got up, got the neb and gave her a treatment. No luck, just a lethargic, barely breathing baby. I got up, got dressed and headed into the ER. When we got there, they checked her oxygen levels and they were 92-93, not bad but not great. The did an xray, stuck this lovely tube up her nose pushed saline in her nose then suctioned it all out to do gather as much mucus as possible, she was given breathing treatments and oxygen. Her oxygen levels dipped to 88-90. The dr came in and told us she has RSV. She also told us due to her difficulty breathing without oxygen, she would be admitted and the pediatric dr would come speak to us. It was around 4 am at this point. We didn't get moved from our lovely ER accommodations to the depressing pediatric floor until 11:30am. I will spare you the frustrations during this time period, but I'm pretty sure I saw two very old men die and the lady in the next room was on her way too, because she was moaning in pain and agony the ENTIRE time. I am not heartless, I felt bad, but I am/was also extremely sleep deprived and upset and I just wanted someone to help the darn lady and give her some morphine or something to make her more comfortable!
When we got to the pediatric ward (I called it depressing because what is happy and joyful about a bunch of babies and children crying in pain and so sick?) and met her dr and her normal pediatrician came in to meet us as well. (Reasons why we love Dr. Hoder.) Her dr at the hospital was a funny, but in a kind of geeky way, young Indian dr. He was quirky and entertaining, but great at making us feel like she was getting the best care possible. Keira had a rough couple of days, needing oxygen almost the entire time. Her breathing treatments made her shaky and we had a very scary morning Tuesday where she ran a high fever, was lethargic and shaking all over. Her oxygen level had dropped to 81. Thankfully that was the very worst of it. She has slowly been making progress since that morning, albeit slow, but progress nonetheless. We were released from the hospital Wednesday afternoon because her oxygen level remained around 91-93 without giving her oxygen since 4 am.
During our hospital stay (I remained with Keira the entire time) Nathan took off work to be with the boys. Brody was seen at the doctor's office Monday for the same virus, just (as you can read about in the RSV link) just not as severe as Keira. I was more worried about him getting an ear infection. He is still coughing so hard, but isn't running a fever. We had a follow up appointment at the doctor's office Thursday morning, and I had to make an appointment for Nate also because Wednesday night Nate's fever reached 103.5. Keira's lungs sounded better, which is great news. Nate however, didn't get great news. He has pneumonia. (You're thinking we can't catch a break? I agree!) He is on meds and more breathing treatments.
I forgot to mention that Keira also has a stomach issue and has been having diarrhea since the 1st as well. Yesterday was my first day with the bad cough, and my empathy has turned into sympathy because man this virus is doing a number on me, and their bodies are just so little.
I do want to take a moment to thank my family and friends for their support and thoughts and prayers. Words can not express our gratitude. Whether it was a phone call, a message, visits at the hospital (so I could take a shower), or bringing me dinner and a magazine at the hospital, bringing us dinner and breakfast at home (which ended up being even more helpful now that I am so sick), and just being there for us. Knowing we have so many people willing to interrupt their lives and give themselves to us at such an overwhelming time, well it makes us feel very loved. I know saying two words can not convey thee true emotions behind them, but thank you.

Keira sleeping in the hospital, and her and I cuddling in the hospital bed.
We rang in the new year with lots of board games, a movie, sparkling grape juice (for the kids) and a glass of champagne (for me and Nathan). It was perfect.
New years Day Keira started getting a little cold, and by that night, Brody seemed to follow suit. Over the next day or two they became worse, coughing a lot, and I noticed Keira was doing a whole lot of wheezing. I joked that the poor girl sounded like Kathleen Turner if she were a squeaky toy. Sunday I attempted to take them both to the urgent care center at their doctor's office, but the roads were terrible, and I have a nebulizer at home, and decided to wait until the following day. At 1 am Sunday night/ early Monday morning I woke up because Keira's breathing was very shallow, very strained, and VERY scary. I got up, got the neb and gave her a treatment. No luck, just a lethargic, barely breathing baby. I got up, got dressed and headed into the ER. When we got there, they checked her oxygen levels and they were 92-93, not bad but not great. The did an xray, stuck this lovely tube up her nose pushed saline in her nose then suctioned it all out to do gather as much mucus as possible, she was given breathing treatments and oxygen. Her oxygen levels dipped to 88-90. The dr came in and told us she has RSV. She also told us due to her difficulty breathing without oxygen, she would be admitted and the pediatric dr would come speak to us. It was around 4 am at this point. We didn't get moved from our lovely ER accommodations to the depressing pediatric floor until 11:30am. I will spare you the frustrations during this time period, but I'm pretty sure I saw two very old men die and the lady in the next room was on her way too, because she was moaning in pain and agony the ENTIRE time. I am not heartless, I felt bad, but I am/was also extremely sleep deprived and upset and I just wanted someone to help the darn lady and give her some morphine or something to make her more comfortable!
When we got to the pediatric ward (I called it depressing because what is happy and joyful about a bunch of babies and children crying in pain and so sick?) and met her dr and her normal pediatrician came in to meet us as well. (Reasons why we love Dr. Hoder.) Her dr at the hospital was a funny, but in a kind of geeky way, young Indian dr. He was quirky and entertaining, but great at making us feel like she was getting the best care possible. Keira had a rough couple of days, needing oxygen almost the entire time. Her breathing treatments made her shaky and we had a very scary morning Tuesday where she ran a high fever, was lethargic and shaking all over. Her oxygen level had dropped to 81. Thankfully that was the very worst of it. She has slowly been making progress since that morning, albeit slow, but progress nonetheless. We were released from the hospital Wednesday afternoon because her oxygen level remained around 91-93 without giving her oxygen since 4 am.
During our hospital stay (I remained with Keira the entire time) Nathan took off work to be with the boys. Brody was seen at the doctor's office Monday for the same virus, just (as you can read about in the RSV link) just not as severe as Keira. I was more worried about him getting an ear infection. He is still coughing so hard, but isn't running a fever. We had a follow up appointment at the doctor's office Thursday morning, and I had to make an appointment for Nate also because Wednesday night Nate's fever reached 103.5. Keira's lungs sounded better, which is great news. Nate however, didn't get great news. He has pneumonia. (You're thinking we can't catch a break? I agree!) He is on meds and more breathing treatments.
I forgot to mention that Keira also has a stomach issue and has been having diarrhea since the 1st as well. Yesterday was my first day with the bad cough, and my empathy has turned into sympathy because man this virus is doing a number on me, and their bodies are just so little.
I do want to take a moment to thank my family and friends for their support and thoughts and prayers. Words can not express our gratitude. Whether it was a phone call, a message, visits at the hospital (so I could take a shower), or bringing me dinner and a magazine at the hospital, bringing us dinner and breakfast at home (which ended up being even more helpful now that I am so sick), and just being there for us. Knowing we have so many people willing to interrupt their lives and give themselves to us at such an overwhelming time, well it makes us feel very loved. I know saying two words can not convey thee true emotions behind them, but thank you.


Keira sleeping in the hospital, and her and I cuddling in the hospital bed.
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